My takeaways from "The Pragmatic Guide to Defending Drupal"

These are my key takeaways from the DrupalSouth '22 talk - "The Pragmatic Guide to Defending Drupal". It covered ways to defend Drupal from cyber attacks but can also be used in other stacks. They are categorised into the following environments: 

  1. local dev - your day to day development environment
  2. pull request/ deployment - the process of pushing your code to your repo
  3. hosting/prod environment - your production environment

Key takeaways

Have an incident response plan (local dev environment)

  • Can be as simple as using your file with the following headings

  • If you look after multiple sites, use a central document or handbook for the organisation to refer to
  • It tells owners what to do in case of an incident

Use a CDN (hosting/prod environment)

  • Cloudflare, Fastly and Akamai were mentioned (I work with Cloudflare, it has many defense mechanisms)
  • Amazon Cloudfront - recommended if you are already hosting with AWS
  • CDNs provide a way to mitigate the attack at the proxy level before it hits your server

Scan your repo for vulnerabilities (pull request/ deployment environment)

  • Trivy - is a project that can scan you repo for any vulnerabilities such as API secrets. 
  • Recommend to deploy as part of your pull request/ deployment environment so it runs each time you commit or have a pull request

Threat detection (hosting/prod environment)

  • Consider Amazon GuardDuty to monitor your AWS servers and services for any interesting or unusual activities such a brute forcing on your servers.
  • Most cloud hosting providers (Azure Advanced Threat Protection, Google Cloud Platform: Security Command Center) offer a similar service

But wait there's more!

The talk covered lots of other goodies so feel free to watch the whole talk below:




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