IT support, centralising staff data and Drupal upgrades

Been a minute!๐Ÿ‘‹ What have I been working on lately? The team have been on a round of duty travel and annual leave meaning I've had to cover for them. I've dived back into some good ol tech support provisioning new laptops, installing printers, dealing with outlook, firewall and .Net issues. Phew! Still got it! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Its reminded me of some duplications we have in data. I'll be looking at building some systems for better integration of our staff info across Active Directory, Office 365 and our inhouse CRM system.

I also found some forgotten repositories that one my ex-colleagues left behind that was in dire need of security patches. Upgrading for Drupal v8.5.x to 8.9x to 9.11.x and converting to a docker based dev environment using composer and Continuous Integration tests. ๐Ÿค–


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